Merriam-Webster Unabridged

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These new books can all be found in the REFERENCE section of Montgomery Library. 

CALL #                         TITLE

BF1407 .L37 2000        Concise dictionary of the occult and New Age
BL1923 .E53 2007        The encyclopedia of Taoism
BR95 .G56 2008           Global dictionary of theology : a resource for the worldwide Church
BR95 .W496 2008        The new Westminster dictionary of church history / editor, Robert Benedetto 
BS195 .E64 2008          ESV study Bible : English Standard Version
BS647.3 .H39 2007      Dictionary of biblical prophecy and end times
GN11 .D53 1997           The dictionary of anthropology
P107 .T36 2007            Philosophy of language A-Z
PE1421 .W546 1995    Style : toward clarity and grace
RC437 .H5 2004          Campbell's psychiatric dictionary
Z710 .G46 2008           The elements of library research : what every student needs to know

Look up your favorite passage in the new ESV Study Bible.  Examine the first volume of the New Westminster Dictionary of Church History, covering the Early, Medieval and Reformation Eras.  Explore the Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times.  Enjoy browsing these and other books in the Reference Section of the library!