Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.

Charles Krahe Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology

B.A., Calvin College, 1958; B.D., Westminster Theological Seminary, 1961; Th.M., 1962; Th.D., 1969; Graduate studies, Georg-August Universität, Göttingen1962-1963; Westminster, 1965-.

Author: The Centrality of the Resurrection [= Resurrection and Redemption]; Perspectives on Pentecost; Calvin and the Sabbath; By Faith, Not By Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation

Contributor: Jerusalem and Athens; Studying the New Testament Today; The New Testament Student and Theology; The New Testament Student at Work; The Book of Books; New International Version New Testament (editorial committee consultant); Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation; The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos (editor); Biblical Principles & Business: The Foundations; Inerrancy and Hermeneutic; Dictionary of Christianity in America; Theonomy: A Reformed Critique; Right with God; The Vitality of Reformed Theology; Dictionary of Paul and His Letters; Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?; A Confessing Theology for Today; The Glory of the Atonement; The Pattern of Sound Doctrine.

Representative Articles: "Paul as Theologian," Westminster Theological Journal, May 1968; "The Usefulness of the Cross," Westminster Theological Journal, Spring 1979; "The Holy Spirit," Westminster Theological Journal, Fall 1980; "Old Amsterdam and Inerrancy?" Westminster Theological Journal, Fall 1982 and Fall 1983; "The Holy Spirit and Eschatology," Kerux, December 1989; "Some Epistemological Reflections on 1 Corinthians 2:6-16," Westminster Theological Journal, Spring 1995; "Pentecost: Before and After," Kerux, September 1995. "Paul the Theologian," Westminster Theological Journal, Spring 2000.


#10.  New student enrollment increased by 22% in Fall 2010, with a 54% increase in new enrollment in our MDiv program!
#7.  The Groves Center maintains the canonical version of the electronic representation of the best complete manuscript of the Hebrew Bible.