
Update in Haiti

May 19, 2011

Hello from sunny and warm Haiti. The last few months have been very busy ones but we thought it was time to give you a brief update on what God is doing here in our part of Haiti.

Our last team for this year left last Thursday for southern California. We spent 7 days on the island of Lagonav doing Vacation Bible School programs for children at the churches in Plenn Mapou, Gran Lagon and Doglas. A total of somewhere near 200 kids attended the two-day programs that included catechism memorization, Bible teaching, crafts and games. The team was delighted that we had cloud cover for most of the days. Temperatures for work and sleep were wonderful.

We will soon be back in the United States on furlough. Here are a few highlights of the next couple weeks before Heather and the kids travel back May 31st and Ben on June 2nd:

  • Ben just returned from preaching on Lagonav and will visit the island one more time this coming Lord's Day. It will be bittersweet to preach at Nan Kafe and Bwa Pen for the last time until our return next March.
  • The whole family is in the midst of packing up the house: we are trying to figure out what to take to Florida, what to give away and how to keep the rats out of the stuff we leave behind.
  • A former team member from our March VBS has agreed to come help us finish our packing up and will return with Heather and the kids on the flight to Miami. We are grateful to have this help. Pray for her flight and health while she is with us (May 25th-31st).
  • We will also be saying goodbye to our brothers and sisters at the church plant in Port-au-Prince. It has been a delight to get to know these dear ones over the last months. It is hard to say goodbye but we are anticipating what God will do among them while we are away.

As always there is lots to pray for. Here are some things you can keep in mind as you think to pray for us:

  1. Ask God to watch over the churches in our absence. Pray for the 7 churches on Lagonav and the leaders who exhort there Sunday by Sunday. Also pray for Pastor Octavius Delfils as he leads the Port-au-Prince church on his own during our time on furlough.
  2. Pray for our transition to Florida and life in a different part of the world. We are thankful to be able to return to our home in Florida but Haiti really has become our home. We will miss it.
  3. Our little baby who traveled back with us to Haiti in October is nearly walking! Pray for Esther as she cruises and learn to walk. Every surface in our house is hard but no bad bangs yet.
  4. There are lots of details to work out for our time on furlough. Ask God to give strength and wisdom as plans continues for visits to churches. Ben will travel to the OPC General Assembly in June and then we travel as a family for church visits in southern California in July.
  5. Pray that our home and belongings will be secure while we are back in the United States and Canada. Pray for Wilson, our Haitian guard, to remain steadfast during our absence.
  6. The elections are over and the new president of Haiti, Michel Martelly, has been inaugurated. Pray for stability as the various politicians move forward with plans and Martelly tries to implement some of his very big election promises. Our prayer is that the people of Haiti would know their hope is not in the things of this world but in their Savior who brings true life.

We want to stay linked up with all of you. We continue to post regular updates on the blog. If you would like an invitation to read just send Ben a note. Ben and Heather are both on Facebook. If you want to be friends, be sure to write a comment with your request so we know who you are. We have met many wonderful people over our last four years but we might not remember you all : ) You can also follow Ben on Twitter (@hoppsinhaiti). We hope you can get a taste of missionary life and know better how to pray by staying connected.

Here is a link to some of our latest pictures from Haiti:

Thanks again for praying. We think and pray for you often as well.

In Christian Love,

Ben, Heather, Ethan, Emma, Elijah and Esther