
Two New Books by Dr. Welch

November 18, 2011

Dr. Edward T. Welch, adjunct professor of practical theology

Dr. Welch, who is a licensed psychologist and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF), has recently published two new books: Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness, and What Do You Think of Me? Why Do I Care?: Answers to the Big Questions of Life

Order both of these books and many other counseling resources by CCEF faculty at the Westminster Bookstore.


Looking up from the Stubborn Darkness


Looking away from despair towards hope can feel risky. What if God doesn't come through for you? What if you don't feel instantly better? Instead of offering simple platitudes or unrealistic "cure-all" formulas, Edward T. Welch addresses the complex nature of depression with compassion and insight, applying the rich treasures of the gospel, and giving fresh hope to those who struggle. Originally published as Depression: A Stubborn Darkness: Light for the Path, this new edition is updated with added content.

This book gives real hope for those who struggle with depression, and for the people who love them. Dr. Ed Welch writes compassionately on the complex nature of depression and sheds light on the path toward deep, lasting healing. Welch considers carefully the spiritual, medical, and emotional factors that contribute to depression. Even more important is his insight into the impact of these factors' interaction. If depression has touched your life in any way, you can be helped by this practical and far-reaching approach.

What do you think of me?

What Do You Think of Me? Why Do I Care?

Answers to the Big Questions of Life

Peer pressure, codependency, shame, low self-esteem; these are just some of the words used to identify how people are controlled by others' opinions. Why is it so important to be liked? Why is rejection so traumatic? Edward T. Welch's insightful, biblical answers to these questions show that freedom from others' opinions and genuine, loving relationships grow as we learn about ourselves, others, and God. This interactive book includes questions for individual or group study and is suitable for teenagers and young adults.

Order both of these books and many other counseling resources by CCEF faculty at the Westminster Bookstore.