
Dr. Lillback in Brazil

December 04, 2012

Speaking at the Andrew Jumper Graduate School Commencement

Rev. Dr. Peter Lillback, president of the Seminary, will travel to São Paulo, Brazil to speak at the commencement of the Andrew Jumper Graduate School, which is a part of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. The president and the chancellor of the school are both Westminster alumni: Dr. Davi Gomes (Ph.D. '00) and Augustus Lopes (Ph.D. '95), respectively. Dr. Gomes is also on the Board of Directors for World Reformation Fellowship, of which Westminster is a member.

Dr. Lillback will be in Brazil from December 5 to 12. He will be speaking from Psalm 119 on the biblical doctrine of scripture in light of recent charges of 'bibliolatry.' Lord-willing, Dr. Lillback will also make a trip to Uruguay to visit missionary friends.

This is visit is a part of Dr. Lillback's continued efforts to build relationships with universities, seminaries, and other graduate insititutions with similar convictions as Westminster. It is the hope that these relationships will work together on various initiatives to further advance the Gospel.

Please pray for Dr. Lillback's trip, as well as Westminster's continued partnerships around the world.