
Congratulations, Dr. Beale!

January 06, 2013

Rev. Dr. Gregory K. Beale's book A New Testament Biblical Theology was recently named the best biblical studies book in Christianity Today's 2013 Book Awards.

"This is Beale's 'great work,' and will mark his career for many decades to come. He's been working on it for 25 years, and it shows. It is dense, exhaustive, and provides a compelling theological framework for understanding Scripture (Creation, Judgment, New Creation), helping us see what the New Testament is doing with the major Old Testament themes. … I can see many of us referring to it for decades."

See the full list of Christianity Today's 2013 book awards at their website here.

Also on the list in the category of Church/Pastoral Leadership is Westminster alumnus Dr. Timothy Keller (D.Min. '81) for his book, Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City.

Order both books at the Westminster bookstore!