
Student Association Spring Campout

May 15, 2008

"Put down your book and come hug a tree" read the t-shirts for Westminster's first annual Spring Campout. Weary students stumbled down the green hill behind Van Till Hall to the make-shift campsite. The Student Association hosted the event and provided two campfires to cook hotdogs, roast marshmallows, make s'mores, and keep warm in the cool afternoon.

A group of students played Ultimate Frisbee until the sun set and all visibility was lost. They returned to the campfire tired and sweaty but laughing and calling for rematches the following week. As night grew cool, the students gathered in close around the campfire and sang songs. Beatles, Flight of the Concord, some worship songs.

Stumps of wood were provided for seats and students talked and joked, and not just about theology, but about life. Some students commented on how they were finally meeting some of their classmates who they had been in class with for the year but had never had the chance to talk to. Friendships were formed, more s'mores were eaten, and memories were made. For a moment, the students forgot the piles of books awaiting them up the hill.

When the campfire had simmered down and most of the students had gone home to the comfort of their beds, a small group stayed behind to sleep outside- the true camping experience. Giggles were heard from the girls' tents and the guys made sure everything in the campsite was covered for the expected rain. Eventually, all the campers fell asleep and the campsite was silent.

In the morning, bright and early the students woke to the offer of coffee and the light of the morning. After cleaning up, they headed out for breakfast at a local diner. They knew the books were waiting for them in the library, but realized that the moment spent with their fellow students would be one they cherished forever.
