
Aliens in the Promised Land

June 28, 2013

New Book edited by alumnus Dr. Anthony Bradley (Ph.D. '08)

Dr. Anthony Bradley recently edited a new book entitled Aliens in the Promised Land: Why Minority Leadership is Overlooked in White Christian Churches and Institutions.

Alumnus and lecturer in practical theology Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr. (M.A.R. '79), also contributes to this volume.

Order your copy at the Westminster Bookstore.

Publisher's description:  Today's church growth is centered in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, evangelicalism must adapt to changing demographics or risk becoming irrelevant. Yet many evangelicals behave "tribally" valuing the perspective of only those like themselves while also denying any evidence of racial attitudes in the church.

Anthony Bradley has gathered scholars and leaders from diverse "tribes"—black, Hispanic, and Asian—to share advice on building relationships with minority denominations and valuing the perspectives and leadership of minority Christians (not just their token presence). They seek to help evangelicalism more faithfully show the world that the gospel brings together people from all tribes, languages, and cultures.

Contributors include Vincent Bacote, Anthony B. Bradley, Carl F. Ellis Jr., Lance Lewis, Juan Martínez, Orlando Rivera, Harold Dean Trulear, Ralph C. Watkins, and Amos Yong.

"Is the evangelical church post-racist? Is the issue of race off the table now that the law forbids discrimination? Should we move on to other topics, in view of the progress being made on race? Not really, this book argues. The remarkable array of authors assembled here testify most appreciatively about the many improvements in recent years. Yet they speak sharply and critically in view of the on-going racialist attitudes still to be found in our Christian institutions. They also propose ways forward, and practical solutions. Required reading for anyone concerned to promote racial justice at home, in schools, in business, in churches, or anywhere people are willing to have their eyes opened."
- Dr. William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics

Order your copy at the Westminster Bookstore.