
Congratulations, Dr. Nichols!

March 18, 2014

Alumnus Dr. Stephen Nichols (M.A.R. '95, Ph.D. '00) appointed RBC President

Dr. Stephen Nichols has been appointed president of Reformation Bible College and Chief Academic Officer for Ligonier Ministries.Dr. Nichols earned an M.A.R. from Westminster in 1995, and a Ph.D. in 2000. His dissertation was entitled, "'An absolute sort of certainty': The Holy Spirit and the apologetics of Jonathan Edwards."

Congratulations, Dr. Nichols!

Dr. Nichols has authored many titles available at the Westminster Bookstore, including: J. Gresham Machen: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought; Jonathan Edwards: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought; Ancient Word, Changing Worlds: The Doctrine of Scripture in a Modern Age; and The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World.

Excerpted from the RBC website:

Dr. R.C. Sproul and the Board of Directors of Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Stephen J. Nichols as the second president of Reformation Bible College. This appointment is concurrent with Dr. Nichols accepting the position of chief academic officer for Ligonier Ministries.

Dr. Nichols is a longtime friend of Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Bible College, having served as a Ligonier teaching fellow and adjunct professor of historical theology at RBC. He is being appointed to the presidency of RBC after seventeen years as a Bible college and seminary professor. Dr. Nichols was most recently the research professor of Christianity and culture at Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, Pa., and he has also taught courses for Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson, Miss., Charlotte, N.C., and Washington, D.C.) and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.

“It is with deep pleasure and gratitude that I join the team at Ligonier in serving this generation and the generation to come in the cause of Christ,” Dr. Nichols said on the occasion of his appointment. “By God’s grace, I am committed to keeping RBC and Ligonier faithful to their theological vision and educational mission. A remarkably gifted faculty for RBC has been gathered in central Florida, and I am honored to work with these godly men, as well as with the staff of Ligonier.”

In addition to overseeing Reformation Bible College and ensuring that the institution’s policies and goals are carried out, Dr. Nichols will also be serving as the chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries. In this newly created position, Dr. Nichols will be responsible for working in conjunction with the president of Ligonier to actively promote and safeguard fidelity to the mission, vision, and the theological position and commitment of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. Dr. Nichols will provide leadership and vision for all of the teaching outreaches of Ligonier. He will also work actively with the other Ligonier teaching fellows in developing new projects and contributions for Ligonier’s extensive resource catalog. In this position, Dr. Nichols will continue to write, teach, and speak for both Ligonier students and the wider church.

Dr. Nichols will assume his new positions at Ligonier Ministries and RBC on July 1, 2014. Please join us in praying for Reformation Bible College, Dr. Nichols, and Ligonier Ministries as Dr. Nichols takes up his new responsibilities.