
Easter in the Archives

April 19, 2014

The last week of Christ's life plays a prominent role in the four gospel accounts. From the time of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to his death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus' presence on earth takes up 30 of the 89 chapters in the Gospels. Faculty throughout the years at Westminster Theological Seminary have taught and preached these passages as the central doctrines of the Christian faith.

See below to see a short list of chapel messages and lectures given by Westminster faculty, past and present, on the deep truths surrounding Christ's death and resurrection.

Also, click here to listen to a Reformed Forum podcast about John Murray’s article, “Who Raised Up Jesus?” from The Westminster Theological Journal 3.2 (May 1941) 113–123. An answer to Murray’s question requires a search of the biblical text, an analysis of Greek grammar, a discussion of the doctrine of the Trinity—in short, the use of all the resources that Christian students of the Bible have at their disposal. Camden Bucey (M.Div. '11, Ph.D. Candidate), Jeff Waddington (M.Div. '00, Ph.D. '13), and Jim Cassidy (Ph.D. Candidate) discuss.

To start: The Significance of the Resurrection by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.





C. John Miller