
Specialists in the Bible

May 11, 2014

Westminster Faculty read Machen's Inaugural Address

On September 25th, 1929, J. Gresham Machen delivered the inaugural address of Westminster Theological Seminary, "Westminster Theological Seminary: Its Purpose and Plan." In his address, he described some of the core aspects of what Westminster was going to teach. Machen's words on that day are still true for what is taught today at Westminster.

See below for a series of videos on Westminster's continuing the legacy of its founder, Dr. J. Gresham Machen.

Specialists in the Bible

with Dr. Peter Lillback

Specialists in the Bible: Redemptive History

with Dr. Vern Poythress

Specialists in the Bible: Church History

with Dr. Carl Trueman

Specialists in the Bible: Apologetics

with Dr. K. Scott Oliphint

Specialists in the Bible: Biblical Languages

with Ms. Elizabeth Groves

Specialists in the Bible: Systematic Theology

with Dr. Lane Tipton