
Beale, Jue, Tipton at TGC Conference

April 13, 2015

On Tuesday, April 14 at 3:00pm, Drs. Gregory Beale, Jeffrey Jue, and Lane Tipton will speak at The Gospel Coalition (TGC) Conference in Orlando, FL. Their panel discussion will be on "The Gospel & Eschatology: Why Heaven Matters Now," and moderated by the Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, Dr. Ligon Duncan.

Also, at 5:30pm on April 14, there will be a TGC interview with Lane Tipton and Mark Mellinger at the Live Interview Stage (#108) in the Gatlin Exhibitor Hall.

If you are a prospective student or a Westminster alumnus attending the TGC conference, join us Tuesday night, April 14th, from 9:00pm to 11:00pm in the Lake Toho Room for "Theology on Tap," with Westminster professors and alumni who will be speaking at the conference. This will be a chance to fellowship with faculty and discuss any theological questions you have. Sign-ups will be available at the Westminster booth in the Gatlin Exhibit Hall.