
'Christ the Center' Interviews Poythress

December 18, 2009

In the Beginning Was the Word: Language - A God-Centered Approach is the newest book by Dr. Vern Poythress, Prof. of New Testament Interpretation.

"Poythress does not merely claim that the discipline of linguistics allows a place for God, or that a theistic worldview provides useful context, or that engagement in such studies is somehow useful to Christians. Rather, he comes right in your face with the claims of Christ: God is not merely a possibility, not merely a conclusion, but the starting point for any understanding at all. The present book on language shows that the foundation of human speech is the speech between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, so that without God meaningful language would be impossible. This book is essential for anyone who would pursue an understanding of language. It is also a great help to those troubled by contemporary challenges to the very possibility of meaningful communication"
- JOHN M. FRAME, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary

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