
Westminster Welcomes Brown Vincent

March 23, 2010

The entire Westminster Theological Seminary community wishes a warm welcome to William Brown Vincent, Jr.   On March 15, 2010, Brown joins the Westminster staff as Vice President of Development.

With an extensive background in real estate acquisition and development, Brown brings a plethora of professional skills and experiences that make him uniquely suited to his new role.  Decades of management, marketing, sales, and leadership along with his honed interpersonal and communication skills prepare Brown for this strategic leadership position at Westminster.  At a personal level, his connection with Westminster dates back nearly thirty years, when a local pastor and Westminster PhD student began discipling him.  A brand new believer, Brown grew through the five-year input of his Westminster mentor, by whose personal discipleship his life was revolutionized.  In the process, Brown became not only a faithful believer who deliberately sought to apply his faith in the workplace, but he also cultivated a deep love and appreciation for Westminster and the life-changing theology it teaches.  

Twenty-five years later, Brown found himself in a lengthy period of restlessness about his career and its trajectory.  In his heart grew a deepening desire to steward his gifts in more frontline ministry, and Brown and his wife prayerfully sought the Lord’s direction for their future.  It was then that his phone rang.  This phone call led to a series of interviews and more prayer, and as Brown recounts, “it became evident to me that this is the work for which the Lord has been preparing me.”

Reflecting on the critical role of Westminster in the work of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, Brown explains, “Increasingly we are experiencing, both in the Church and culture, the effects of egocentric compromise, the rejection of God’s Word, and the consequential emptiness. Many who think they have saving faith are very misled because God’s Word, and more specifically, the Gospel is not being taught by Church leaders and educators at the highest levels of Christian academia. ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’ (Hosea 4:6).  Yet God’s grace applied through the full counsel of His Word is THE power that changes lives and cultures for His sake.  I believe WTS hits at the core of this matter.”

There is also a very personal turn to God’s hand of providence in bringing Brown to Westminster.  He now comes to work for that very same pastor who discipled him thirty years ago, the man who is now president of Westminster, Dr. Peter Lillback.

Please pray for Brown and the Westminster development team as they continue the critical task of connecting God’s people with the ministry and vision of Westminster in the 21st century.  As Brown put it, “God has the resources for WTS to get its job done. The task is to develop those resources He has already prepared.”